Sunday, March 23, 2014

My kiddies and my tangents.

School school. There of plenty of things I could say but I shan't right now. I am going to post pictures of my favorite class and tell you about the weirdest tangents my classes have ever gone on.

A little background so you don't think I am totally nuts:
So middle school classes are at an age where they are taking really serious tests. The pressure is super high. Just to give you an idea, Korea has the highest young teenage suicide rate, that is how hard core these tests are. For this reason, they are not super concerned with the foreign teachers English class. For THAT reason as they refuse to answer my questions I get continually weirder and weirder as I basically monologue at them. Not all my classes are like this all the time, and full disclosure, some of these weird subjects came up in classes with responsive students, but you get the idea.

-My most recent topic was the zombie apocalypse. I asked if anyone had a plan. No one did. I find this totally ridiculous as all the kids are obsessed with American zombie stuff right now.

- Prohibition. This was actually on topic of a debate we were having. Perhaps language-wise a bit over their heads though.

-The Reniassance

-Sleeping caps (this was spurred on by a weird picture in the students books. I went on a rant about how it was weird that they were showing a six year old kid with a sleeping cap. I thought they were all zoning out, but one of my favorite students in that class wrote it into his story. Victory).

-The word pizazz. I told my students I would give them an extra point on the test if they looked up and wrote down the definition for the word pizazz, because they lacked it. No one did. Turds. I don't have that class anymore, thank goodness.

-The movie Signs

-Ryan Gosling

-Star Wars

-How walking in crowds in the worst

-The East Side West Side rap relationship

-The elephant I intend to buy and name Falafel

There are certainly more, and I will be sure to keep the list updated. As for my favorite class, here they are:
This is Amy. She is one of my all-time favorites. She is super sweet. She came to my class as a new student really early on. If a student doesn't have an English name when they arrive their foreign teachers picks one. I gave her Amy after Amy Poehler. 

This is Annie 1. Yes, there is an Annie 1 and Annie 2. I have no idea why that happened. She is a sweet lady. She's gotten much less shy in my class which is awesome! 

 This is Emily. She is a goofball.
 The girl in pink is Cindy. She is super shy but super sweet.

 The two boys are Brad and Jack. They were being hidey from my camera, so I took sneaky pictures. Jack is a bit of a trouble maker, but he is a good guy.
 This is Mason. He used to give me shinanigans but now we're cool. Behind him is Amber. She is a silly one.
 I'm pissed that this is a blurry picture. This is Jenny. She is lovely. If you look at her phone you will infact see a picture of me. The kids thought it was awesome that it was picture time. There are at least one hundred photos of me on Korean children's phones just generated by the three minutes I spent taking pictures of them.
 This is Annie 2. She did not want her picture taken. She did take a million of me. Her camera does a photo shoot setting or something where it takes about ten rapid fire shots. Ridiculous.
 Annie 1 and Cindy. So adorable.